Monday, February 2, 2015

Becoming a maiden?!

It seems we find ourselves together once again. It hasn't been that long since I last posted, right?
I just want to share some musings, I thought that it'd be easier to organize myself if I wrote down my ideas! Hopefully they'll be of some interest.

Around November or so of last year, I found myself thinking deeply about fashion and, more importantly, how it reflects your inner self. I'm sure a lot of people think extravagant (alternative) fashions (decora, gyaru, lolita, goth, etc.) are a way of hiding yourself, a sort of mask, while a lot of others think it's a reflection of their true self. I've been pondering over and over how to feel about it, and how I want to express myself personally.

The problem is, that I've been really conflicted over what my style is. I like everything, I think all clothing has it's own charm and grace to it! What does that mean for me?! What I do know for sure is what I want to be, which I now feel kind of embarrassed to say... I want to be a maiden, someone who exudes grace and kindness, like a princess. Kind of idealistic, I know... But I'm sure it's attainable to some degree!

I must sound really serious... But I'm just melodramatic, I simply want to find my own niche! I want to be comfortable in my clothes, at least figuratively! (*´∀`*) It's also quite fun to think about how it reflects myself, because I've realized that I also want my habits and mannerisms to also reflect my true self. I wouldn't feel like a maiden if I slouched and spoke carelessly, even while all dressed up, right? I want to be a maiden, no matter what clothes I wear. I think this quote by Novala Takemoto sums up my feelings quite well:

No matter how much you wear cute clothing, or how much time your makeup takes, if your inner self is remiss then true beauty will not be yours. In other words, from morning to night, even at times when people aren’t looking at you, you cannot forget to continuously make an effort to be beautiful. Loafers do not have the capacity to become a maiden.
Takemoto, Novala. "Let's Learn the 'Maiden's Way' from Mr. Novala Takemoto." 
Translated by murasaki_kaze 
I may not always agree with Novala's ideas, but I definitely agree with this. In the end, it doesn't matter how you dress, if your inner self is not as polished as your clothes! Everything is important ٩(◕‿◕。)۶ ! 

[Of course, I don't dislike any other sort of personality; I don't believe this makes me better than anyone. This is simply how I want to portray myself. To paraphrase another Novala quote: "There are angels who go into battle with swords, while there are also angels who sing and play harps." (I hope that's how it goes...) It is only, to put it simply, my ideal self, how I want to be. I believe that as long as you are kind, then it doesn't matter if you're brazen or timid or anything really.]

So, the conclusion I've come to is this: Wear what you like, but strive to be graceful and kind wherever you go! I don't have to fit myself into a box (although it would help to more easily coordinate my wardrobe, hehe) so why must I force myself to? The clothes don't make the woman, although they might make me more confident. Polish my heart first and then my armor!

Now, some motivating words from Prince Kanata, from the super cute new season of PreCure, Go! Princess Pretty Cure! I'm really inspired by it at the moment ~

for reading!

What's your own conclusion? What type of person do you want to be and represent?

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