Sunday, May 31, 2015

Kiki and me.

Hello hello, I hope everyone has been well! I got all four of my wisdom teeth removed a few days ago, so I've been holed up in my room, hehe. It hasn't been particularly painful aside from a few specific times, so I have been relaxing. Thanks to that, I've binge watched movies and have been doing whatever I can to stave off boredom.

One of the movies I watched was Kiki's Delivery Service. It was my first time, and it was a very lovely experience! What a wonderful movie, I feel like I will hold Kiki close to my heart for times to come. In a few months I will be going away to university on my own, in a different country no less. It's been something I've been worrying and overthinking a lot, and seeing Kiki go out on her own journey with bravery and excitement was very uplifting and inspirational. I both identify and am greatly inspired by her, something that I definitely wasn't expecting. 

(She also has great taste in music, hehe!)

This movie found it's way to me at just the right time. I, too, will follow my heart and fly with my own spirit. No matter what, you must work hard, and have a good heart♥! Thank you for the pep talk, Miyazaki.

“What's really important here," I whispered loudly to myself,"is not the big things other people have thought up, but the small things you, yourself have”
                                               -Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart

I also read Sputnik Sweetheart, which was an equally lovely experience. (How did I find so much motivational material at the same time?!) I finished this book in record time, despite having to put it down after some scenes to digest what I had read. It was quite similar to 19Q4, but it was thoroughly satisfying despite it's short length, unlike 19Q4... Maybe it's just the type of story Murakami mostly writes...

Sumire is a messy and naive, sometimes ridiculously so, young adult who loses herself but eventually comes back stronger and wiser. She reminded me a bit of Alice Lidell! Though, presented in a more modern "realistic" setting. It was something I could learn from. You'll never grow if you remain in a stagnant, dream-like state, yet you'll lose yourself if you attempt a direct collision with reality. Always find balance, never fear change. 

I also really enjoyed how both of these stories handled loss of inspiration/motivation, and how the heroines analyzed it, reflected on it, and surpassed it! Definitely something I'll revisit whenever I can't seem to find my will or creativity.

These have officially been the highlights of my week, I'm obsessed with watching Kiki's Delivery Service now. (´°ω°`) I really recommend both of these stories to everyone! They're a treat to experience.

Isn't it wonderful when you find something that inspires you?

Thank you for reading!

What are some stories that you've enjoyed recently?


  1. I love Kiki's Delivery Service! Such an inspirational, good-feeling movie. I also really like Haruki Murakami but I haven't read Sputnik Sweetheart! But after reading your post on it, I'll be sure to buy and read it! :) p.s. I just found your blog and I ♥ your style! :3

    1. It is! I'm surprised I hadn't seen it before, since I usually love cute movies/shows like it, but I guess I was meant to watch it when I did ~ I hope you enjoy Sputnik Sweetheart, it really is great! And thank you so much ( ´ ▽ ` )/ !!

  2. p.p.s. I don't know how to subscribe to your blog. ♪

    1. If you go to, below the -reading list- section there's a button that says 'add', and then you just copy the entire url! ( I hope that helps! I don't really know any other way to do it... (;▽;)

    2. You're welcome! Thank you for following me!
